
#Puntland’s Media Guild Announces Women in Media Empowerment as Guild’s Top Priority.

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Garowe 09 July, 2019: The enablement and self-sufficiency of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and workplace status is a highly important culmination in itself. The full participation and partnership of both women and men is required in the Puntland Media outlets, including shared responsibilities in making decisions. Securing change requires policy actions that will improve women’s access to leadership and fair workplace policies that give both men and women equal opportunities on wages career development in and at the Puntland newsrooms.

Our targets and efforts towards Empowering Puntland Women in the Media 2019/2020
In the past (2) years MAP has encouraged the development of educational and training programmes for women in the media with the purpose to empower and to increase female journalist workforce in the Puntland media fraternity, including the push of access for women practitioners at the newsrooms’ leadership positions across the Puntland media outlets.

Major and recent activities implemented by MAP with the support of international partners namely the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the Forum Syd Somalia and the Free Press Unlimited (FPU) have been so effective and timely towards MAP’s mission in developing the female in Media workforce and reviving the dying female journalists’ networks in Puntland.

Key achievements

Forum SYD

  • 2018: The project helped revive the Nugaal female journalists’ organization (NUFJO) by re-organizing, capacity  building the board of directors of NUFJO and developing new organizational policies and procedures. The  project also gave a vital training for 20 female journalists on human rights reporting. 2019 the project helped    revive the Nugaal female journalists’ organization (NUFJO) by re-organizing, capacity building the board of  directors of NUFJO and developing new organizational policies and procedures.
  • 2019: Under the Forum Syd supported project MAP resurrected the Mudug women Journalist organisation (MUWOJO), today MUWOJO stands for promoting and defending the Mudug women journalists network.


  • The Media Association of Puntland (MAP) in partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) successfully held a very vital ‘’Leadership and Newsroom Management’’ course tailored to empower Puntland female journalists labor force. Held in Garowe at the SAME conference hall, the four (23-26 June) day training was participated by a cohort of twenty (20) practicing female radio journalists drawn from the media outlets across the Puntland State regions. The objective of the training was to empower female journalists become better leaders in the media, improve their journalistic skills and equip them with the necessary knowledge to take leadership skills in the newsroom outlets they operate.

Free Press Unlimited (FPU)

  • 2017: MAP with support of the FPU carried out the assessment of the ”Puntland Media Landscape” that exposed the gender gaps in the Puntland media fraternity.
  • 2019: MAP with the support of the FPU will introduce the Puntland media gender policy aimed at improving the working conditions of the female workforce in the Puntland Media outlets.

MAP’s 2019/2020 Ambitions

MAP’s Objectives

  1. To promote the participation and access of women to decision-making in and through the media and new technologies of communication.
    a. 2019 MAP will be introducing the Puntland Media Gender policy.
    b. 2020 MAP will be establishing the Puntland Female Journalist Umbrella.
  2. To promote a sensible and non-stereotyped depiction of women in the media.
    a. The Gender policy is aimed at promoting equality both in terms of staff management and promote non stereotyped news                      coverage. Thanks to the support from the Free   Press Unlimited.

The Media Association of Puntland (MAP) is an independent, nonprofit organization registered in Puntland recognized as the legitimate representative body for Puntland Journalists & media establishments that promotes press freedom in Puntland state Somalia. MAP promotes press freedom in Puntland regions and defends the right of journalists to report the news without fear of act of vengeance. MAP also engages dialogue with the Puntland authority on legal framework by protecting freedom of expression and media freedoms through policy and legal reforms.



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